Thursday, April 15, 2010

Inner Demons: iHip Hop.

"..Here the devil makes me face my demons/ wake up nd see my mother really start to need me/ I'll do anything to cease the greavin/ tried everything nd still I hear my hunger bleedin-"

      -There comes a point in every man's life where the only emotion felt is,      
             'WHAT THE FUCK!'
Shackled by unforeseen circumstances, financial issues, emotions and a thick ass cloud of weed smoke. Sometimes shit gets so dark, the only sense of liberation is felt through a pair of headphones, or through the sounds of two 6 1/2" Kickers.

         ///My first thought of an internet blog is a bunch of geeks writing about how to hack their iPhones, or whats the latest pair of bifocals.
      .This here is nothing of the sort.

-This is merely an outlet to keep the world posted on the thoughts and moves made by two fools.
.Pay close attention however, cuz due time the world is ours.

///Destruction comes from within; whether we're talkin about great nations or a single man's life.

           -One cannot continue to grow or expand without confronting the deep rooted problems.. which almost always dwells from with in.

..too much man in these vains-
Stay posted.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

On my JOB..

A person maybe smart-
 but people collectively are almost always stupid.  
For that very reason it is easy for any given person to be viewed by a given public as someone of higher stature.
I don't care how unique u think u are.. 

              -People are simple minded fucks that have 'incoeharent'' ways of determining there place in society.

Barring individual domains-

 it is hard to measure the success or achivrment of a person's life; so we as people us simple attributes or possessions to determine who is better than the rest.

               -got nothin but Bold EndeavorZ.
so BeEasy.

                We comin,